Traditional Business Consulting is Broken

Traditional business consulting companies are most often brought in by their clients to solve a problem with a limited and well defined scope with a preconceived notion of the problem at hand. Consultants are rarely brought in to first achieve the clarity required to solve the systemic root causes of the problems – wherever they may be found. The end result of these transaction-based engagements is “fixing” some aspect of the business that hides or delays the emergence of more serious issues in the future. In other words, they address the overt symptoms, but cannot cure the underlying malady. 

For example, do you need a compensation consultant or someone to address a poor company culture?

Do you hire a brand consultant to create a new logo or one that understands the products and will align your brand with your corporate image and values?

Do you hire a sales consultant to increase revenues, or a guide with the experience required to not only increase revenues but maximize profits as well – and in a sustainable fashion?

Narrowly-focused consultants cannot provide the effective solutions required to truly address the issues many businesses struggle with. Broadly-focused consultants may provide you with recommendations based on their overall perspective, but will more than likely leave you to do the hard work of planning and implementation to you … alone.

Finally, you deserve to understand your return on investment (RoI), yet few if any of these business consultants will provide you the metrics required to judge the effectiveness of their advice or deliverables.

MMOmemtum Guides Traditional Consultants
Client pays for deliverables Client pays for time and/or specific expertise
Provide Return on GuidanceTM (RoGTM) for measurable results No hard metrics to judge level of success
Practical, multidisciplinary and collaborative approach Theoretical, often siloed approach
Work as an extension of your team Work at arm’s-length from your team
Need a client’s commitment to the process Need to be managed by the client
Company wide & outcome focused Executive & recommendations focused
Time constrained Time unconstrained
Transparent processes and activities Opaque processes and activities
Relationship-based (adaptive & iterative) engagement Transaction-based (linear & didactic) engagement
Recommend and implement solution Recommend solution
Teach you to fish Provide the fish (not always the right fish)

MMOmemtum is different. In a big departure from these types of consulting firms, we offer problem-focused guidance as a set product, with a set price and a set schedule for completion of the deliverables. Our MaPs (Management and Marketing as Products) cover the most critical aspects of your business all in one place including Profit, Culture, Brand, Strategy and Value (make these links). Our metrics provided throughout the engagement will allow you to judge the effectiveness of MMOmemtum’s guidance using our Return on Guidance (RoG) allowing you, in part, to achieve Clarity of Results.

There is no need to hire separate consultant firms because our products cover the fundamentals, and our processes span your company in a systematic and holistic manner. Because our results depend on our systems and not on any specific person, our clients can enjoy the benefits of our approach long after our contract has finished. 

Finally, because we work as an extension of your team, we can provide additional services to help you implement and deploy the plan of action. This added service means that, unlike consultants that typically only recommend a solution, our guides can adapt the plan in response to new information to ensure that the desired outcome is optimized.

Our guides understand all aspects of your business – not just one piece of it. Together, we can MaPtm and measure your progress to greater success.

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