Elevating the Quiet Strengths of Introspective & Introverted Leaders

Leadership Development: Adopt Habits, Traits & Behaviors of Highly Effective Leaders

Leadership Development Benefits and Potential Areas of Exploration:


1:1 Professional Coaching : leadership development
Leadership Development: The continuous journey

However, learning to be an effective or more effective leader can start at any stage in one’s career, whether as a high-achieving early-career professional, group manager, or senior executive. Leadership development through coaching (often called leadership coaching or executive coaching) uses a personalized approach based on your strengths, blind spots, skills, and behaviors to help you fully develop your leadership potential … yes, even as an introvert.

Coaching of any kind can seem touchy-feely or go against our sense of self-reliance. However, my leadership coaching is rooted in metrics, processes, and accountability. The best results require a certain level of vulnerability and openness to allow yourself to consider different perspectives or be made aware of your limiting thoughts and blind spots. Those potential difficulties aside, the improvements in your leadership effectiveness will be reflected in your projects being delivered on time, your ability to anticipate and solve problems before they arise, an increase in genuine confidence, the development of a high-performing and low-drama team, and an upper management team that notices it all.

Our introductory call will take just 20 minutes.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
Your ability to process and control your emotions and respond appropriately to other people’s emotions are critical factors in determining your success and future career advancement opportunities. As an introvert, dealing with facts is easy. However, dealing with people and their emotions can, at best, be difficult to manage and energy-draining or, at worst, allow problems to grow worse due to being ignored.
Unlike IQ, which is largely set after our teen years, EQ (emotional intelligence) can be continuously improved over time with proper training. For those who struggle to process other people’s emotions, the skills to recognize specific cues and respond appropriately can also be learned.
Leadership development and coaching will help you improve your overall emotional intelligence.

1. Resolve conflict efficiently and constructively.
2. Develop a mindful approach to your relationships and learn how to genuinely and positively influence those around you.
3. Become trusted and respected for who you are and what you’ve accomplished.
4. Develop more effective solutions through collaboration.
5. Lead effectively while staying true to your values and internal self.
Win with Teamwork
Even as an individual contributor, you will have to work with other people either as part of a team or in support of one. If you have been recently promoted to leadership or have been managing a team for a long time, teamwork and your management style are the key ingredients that either ensure success or predict failure.
As introverted leaders, we have developed strategies to deal with conflict, provide criticism, and drive our teams. However, these strategies do not always work as intended or desired. Learning how to manage one’s own workload, dealing with administrative tasks and nurturing a team can seem overwhelming.
Leadership development and coaching will help you better manage your time, deal more effectively with team dynamics, encourage growth and develop a healthy team attitude.

1. Develop a team culture that emphasizes a common purpose and achieving the right results the right way.
2. Effectively delegate tasks so you can efficiently manage your team and still work on activities you enjoy.
3. Minimize the drama while ensuring that your team feels secure.
4. Authentically highlight your and your team’s accomplishments to other teams and senior management.
Conquer Your Doubts & Imposter Syndrome
While ~70% of us experience a sense of imposter syndrome at some point in our careers, ~40% struggle with it routinely. As introverts, we are analytical and introspective and thus tend to question our own abilities as a leader – especially if thrust into the position or as we are pushed to address ever-more complex tasks outside our main discipline. The time is now to learn how to bet on yourself in a genuine and confident manner.
Leadership development and coaching will help reveal your hidden strengths and blind spots, redirect your overly critical internal dialogue, and understand how imposter syndrome has propelled your career.

1. Tap into your imposter syndrome and recognize it as your superpower and driver that helps you accomplish your near-term and aspirational goals.
2. Leave behind (most) of your feelings of inadequacy and feel more confident in your actions, strategies, and demeanor.
3. Escape analysis paralysis, creative avoidance (a type of procrastination), and the crippling need for perfection, and instead embrace an analytical approach to “good enough.”
4. Objectively identify your blind spots or areas for improvement so that your team can complement your abilities and help you grow.
5. Learn to recognize, enjoy, and remember your accomplishments, and make that learning a habit that turns into career-spanning grit.

Details and Proposed Process:

  1. We choose to work together, allowing a great fit to yield great results.
    • Every aspect of our engagement remains strictly confidential.
    • I move at your pace and will partner with you to accomplish some, all, or even more than your original objectives.
    • My coaching focuses on context only, such as addressing behaviors or ideas that hold you back, and creating a positive, forward-looking attitude. Content development is left to the client, though I am always happy to provide coaching and guidance to ease the process.
  2. Please review my engagement process. Should you have any questions, let’s discuss them during our introductory call.
  3. During a follow-up call, we will finalize the terms, development goals, and desired outcomes before signing the contract.
  4. Sessions are 1-hour long and held on the same weekday and time. Typical engagements are set to meet once per week for the first half and then once per month for the second half. The meeting schedule is customizable.
    • Sessions are conducted using teleconference applications, such as Zoom.
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My Qualifications:

1:1 Professional Coaching : Certified Executive Coach Mendy Ouzillou Level2 Badge
Certified Executive Coach
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