Elevating the Quiet Strengths of Introspective & Introverted Leaders

Engagement Process

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1. Introductions

Choosing the right coach requires the right fit to achieve the best possible results. Getting to know each other to ensure a good fit is therefore crucial. The general introductions process is listed below, and we can make adjustments as needed.

To best serve my clients, I limit my practice to 20 active clients in any one-month period.

  1. 20-minute initial call
    • Schedule our call by clicking the button above.
    • Introduce ourselves, discuss your challenges and goals, then determine the type and scope of engagement.
    • If either of us determines there is not a good fit, there is no need to continue. However, if there are people in my network who would be a better fit, I will happily make an introduction. I am never paid and will never accept referral fees from anyone I recommend in my network.
  2. Follow-up meeting
    • Get to know each other better to ensure a great professional fit in personality, experience, and work philosophies.
    • Review and agree on the final terms and conditions of the contract. This meeting is typically held via call or Zoom but may also be in person.
  3. Sign contract
  4. Payment
    • Full Payment is due one week before the first session or event.
    • 1:1 Professional Coaching Only: If either of us determines that the relationship is not working after the second session but before the third, you will receive a full refund.
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2. Coaching Engagement Start

Though all engagements are unique, the process of reaching success is similar:

  1. Ensure commitment, alignment, and accountability.
  2. Establish a baseline using 1:1 interviews, assessments and other tools to collect relevant and actionable data.
  3. Gain unflinching clarity on your goals, challenges, potential roadblocks or limiting perspectives, and why success matters to you.
  4. Continuously codevelop impactful and long-lasting solutions.
  5. Execute the plan and implement supporting changes while maintaining accountability throughout.
  6. Measure and monitor results, and adjust course as needed.

My schedule offers some flexibility, and we can work out any potential scheduling conflicts with sufficient advanced notification.

During coaching, it is not unusual for the desired outcome to change over time or even between the start of a session and its end. As your coach, I will follow and respect the path you choose that has the most relevance and impact.

Standardized and validated assessments are often used as part of my coaching engagement. Should you have recently taken such an assessment or we determine there is benefit to taking one as part of our engagement, we may decide to use the results as a basis for our discussions. Follow up assessments at an end of an engagement can also prove valuable.

Over an entire consulting engagement, the scope and cause of a challenge can also change as more information is revealed. Again, I am flexible and will drive efforts to the agreed-upon finish line. Should the finish line move, we will adjust the pricing and schedules accordingly.

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3. Engagement End

My focus is on results, not a per-hour rate. Should we reach your goals ahead of schedule, you can end the engagement with no further sessions or time required.

I am available for follow-up support after the engagement has ended through a separate month-to-month agreement, a retainer, or any arrangement that works for both of us.

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