Elevating the Quiet Strengths of Introspective & Introverted Leaders

Client Confidentiality


Governance : Confidentiality Lock Coach Client
Coach-client confidentiality is paramount to the engagement

My highest priority is helping you achieve your goals and enjoy the associated success, not developing a portfolio of people or companies to be shared publicly. Ensuring confidentiality and securing your privacy are paramount to that success. Our work together is only effective if you feel comfortable sharing aspects of your life that you shield from most other people. Your trust in me is a gift I jealously protect, and therefore, I will treat your privacy as sacrosanct. 

If requested, I will sign a mutual NDA before or after our introductory call. An NDA must be in place before our first session. Please review the Code of Ethics for more information.

A Word Regarding Previous Clients:

You would not want sensitive or confidential information, including the fact that you have engaged with me, made public. As such, we can discuss the generalities of a past engagement and high-level information, but I will not provide details unless I receive the previous client’s permission to do so. My clients engage with me to address their most sensitive challenges, and I will never put myself in a position to jeopardize that trust.

Examples of Denied Requests for Information:

  • Your corporate sponsor or management asks me to report on your progress or to share the results of your assessment(s):
    • My response will be to have the manager ask you directly and ask them to review any changes in your performance themselves. Should the pushback continue, I may request a three-way meeting between you, myself, and the sponsor/manager. Any aspect of our engagement will be held strictly confidential unless I have your express written permission to share specific information.
  • You have performed a 360-degree assessment, or we are engaged in team or organizational coaching requiring interviewing of stakeholders:
    • All feedback and results from a 360-degree assessment or interviews conducted as part of team or organizational coaching will be provided to you as anonymous trends and general insights. I will never share with you any feedback or issues discussed in confidence that could be tied back to the people who participated in your assessment.

Important Exceptions:

  • You have indicated a desire to harm yourself or others.
  • I am compelled to do so by a court of law.
  • The person who provided the information has provided their approval and written permission for me to share specific details with the person requesting it.

All terms and conditions regarding confidentiality are defined and agreed upon prior to signing the engagement contract.

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