Elevating the Quiet Strengths of Introspective & Introverted Leaders

Strategic Planning & Execution: Strategize for Success – Execute with Confidence

Strategic Planning & Execution Benefits and Potential Areas of Exploration:

  • Identify the top organizational priorities and create alignment around them.
  • Create rubrics/processes to prevent getting trapped in analysis paralysis.
  • Clarify your current strengths/limitations to ensure success at every step.
  • Encourage collaboration to uncover hidden pitfalls and best path to success.
  • Translate and spread the plan and expectations throughout the organization.
  • Drive accountability throughout the process to achieve every milestone.
  • Be the beacon to sustain the organization’s commitment during execution.
  • Evaluate new, relevant information and alter course (or not) accordingly.


Organizational Coaching : Challenge Constraints Engineer Success
Collaboratively develop a well thought out strategic plan, ready for execution.

Strategic Planning

Examples of Strategic Initiatives:

Business has never been more fluid, and the need to adapt has never been greater. With a motivated and committed leadership team following the right process, developing an effective and actionable strategy need not be as complex or exhausting as imagined. The secret to doing so rests on two assumptions that hold true in many strategy planning exercises.

First, your team and organization already have the necessary information, institutional knowledge, and domain experience to move forward. My process reduces the need for excessive research by drawing on your team’s existing wealth of knowledge and experience. In doing so, we can prevent the analysis paralysis that sometimes derails strategic planning while keeping the process forward-focused and flexible. When knowledge gaps or blind spots exist, such as entering new markets, we will apply structured rubrics and processes to ensure that any necessary research is carefully scoped and time-bound. This approach ensures the research supports decision-making effectively while keeping the process on track to meet deadlines and milestones.

Second, the goal of covering topics such as mission, vision, and values, as well as competition, customer needs, and emerging trends/threats is to ensure the executive team is aligned from the start. This focused scope aims to review your team’s alignment on key elements without unnecessary deep dives into what is already known. However, if recent changes such as a management turnover, an impending threat, a failing culture, or brand shifts demand it, we’ll explore these topics more thoroughly to ensure participants are aligned at the start to pave the way for an efficient outcome.

This approach is anchored in my belief that information, plans and decisions have a short shelf life, and that the perfect strategy executed too late is no strategy at all. With facilitation and coaching, we can move efficiently from high-level problem and goal statements to alignment around the finalized strategy, sometimes in as little as a few months … assuming your team collaborates and communicates effectively. Should that not be the case, please review my Team Coaching & Facilitation services or get in touch with me to discuss potential options.

While the details will change based on the type of strategy to be developed, here is the basic process:

Phase 1: Establish the Baseline and Initial Insights
(Interviews: 45-min to 1-hour per Participant)

  1. Meet with the strategy leader (typically CEO).
    • Explore the benefits of a successful outcome and the consequences of maintaining the status quo.
    • Define the overarching goals, and discuss timelines and potential risk factors (internal and external).
    • Clarify the decision-making process and expectations for participating stakeholders.
  2. Conduct 1:1 interviews with stakeholders (typically executive team and key operational leaders).
    • Identify potential blind spots regarding customers, competition, and emerging trends/threats.
    • Assess alignment on mission, vision, and values.
    • Discuss their motivations or resistance to the proposed initiatives.
      • Coaching is available to any participant who requires support presenting their (contrasting) viewpoints to the team in a collaborative and constructive manner. This support ensures all voices are heard in the facilitated meetings, especially those of introverts or those who tend to be more quiet and reflective in group settings.
    • Collect ideas (and potential barriers) that directly support strategy or need to be addressed prior to starting new initiative(s).
    • Address existing priorities and how the new initiative may require some to be lowered or dropped.

Phase 2: Share and Discuss Insights
(First Facilitated Team Meeting: 2 Days)

  1. Review the ground rules, expectations, process, and the importance of this strategic initiative.
  2. Establish alignment on the fundamentals:
    • As needed: Review mission, vision, and values
    • As needed: Review customers, competition, and emerging trends/threats
    • Evaluate internal state of the organization and external factors (includes a group SWOT exercise).
  3. Review and triage ideas until 5 to 7 priorities are identified and any underlying themes.
    • Through structured facilitation, I will enable the team to engage in constructive conflict, ensuring all voices are heard and that divergent viewpoints are not only aired but resolved in a way that strengthens the strategy.
  4. Assign a champion for each priority to develop the business case for review in Phase 3.

Phase 3: Identify the Top-3 Mission Critical Priorities
(Second Facilitated Team Meeting: 1 Day)

  1. Provide 1:1 coaching to each participant before the facilitated team meeting (no information shared between participants)
    • Identify potential team conflicts, pushback on priorities, new findings, and any information that may derail or aid the initiative’s success.
  2. Provide generalized insights to the strategy leader.
  3. During this second facilitated team meeting, finalize the top 3 priorities.
    • Review, discuss, and evaluate each champion’s business case.
    • Ideas will be evaluated using various objective tools (impact modeling and scorecards) and subjective insights drawn from leadership experiences, industry benchmarks, and case-specific challenges. Subjective insights will be moderated to minimize personal bias.
    • Pare down or combine ideas until the top 3 achieve consensus and are given the green light.
  4. Champions are (re)assigned to each of the 3 priorities to develop the actionable plan and address concerns, gaps, or details discussed during Phase 3.

Phase 4: Prepare for Action
(Final Facilitated Team Meeting: 1 Day)

  1. While general aspects of each business case have already been covered (e.g., staffing, funding, missing competencies, impact on financial results), this phase focuses on clarifying details and being action-focused.
  2. Convert the strategy into an actionable plan and assign clear owners.
  3. Identify accountability systems (e.g., progress reports, project management tools, or leadership oversight), performance metrics (e.g., KPI or OKR tied to specific outcomes), and effective communication channels.
  4. Prepare the organization for the changes and expectations by developing an effective communication strategy.
  5. Some organizations may want to pilot or test the priorities before fully committing time, effort, and resources to the execution phase. Support for such activities can be provided separately as needed.

Phase 5: Execution Support (Optional)

Developing a strategy is only the beginning. To ensure your newly created strategy is implemented successfully, I offer separate facilitation and coaching services during the execution phase.

Navigating the challenging terrain of implementation while maintaining accountability, motivation, and commitment requires constant vigilance. We will implement the previously agreed-upon accountability systems, performance metrics, and feedback mechanisms to keep your strategy on track. Regular check-ins and adjustments will ensure your plan remains relevant and effective even in changing market conditions. This ongoing support maximizes the return on your strategic planning investment, turning your vision into tangible results.

While collaborating closely with your team, I will leverage my many years of project management and strategy execution and provide individual coaching and team facilitation services, as well as guidance and advice based on best practices, as desired.

One key aspect of my execution support is coaching the team through the strategy transition while keeping up with the short-term business demands. No strategy can succeed without acknowledging the day-to-day realities of running a business, such as protecting revenue streams and maintaining operational efficiency, and thus minimizing disruption to daily business while the strategy is executed.

Support is also available to organizations with a finalized strategy but requiring assistance in its execution. This service is especially useful for organizations whose executive teams struggle with communication and collaboration and require ongoing coaching and facilitation.

Are ready to define your strategy, or need assistance navigating the challenges of execution? Then, contact me to explore how we can tailor this process to your organization’s unique needs.

Your first step takes just 20 minutes.

Details and Proposed Process:

  1. We choose to work together, allowing a great fit to yield great results.
    • Every aspect of our engagement remains strictly confidential.
    • I move at your pace and will partner with you to accomplish some, all, or even more than your original objectives.
    • My coaching focuses on context only, such as addressing behaviors or ideas that hold you back, and creating a positive, forward-looking attitude. Content development is left to the client, though I am always happy to provide coaching and guidance to ease the process.
  2. Please review my engagement process. Should you have any questions, let’s discuss them during our introductory call.
  3. During a follow-up call, we will finalize the terms, development goals, and desired outcomes before signing the contract.
  4. Sessions are 1-hour long and held on the same weekday and time. Typical engagements are set to meet once per week for the first half and then once per month for the second half. The meeting schedule is customizable.
    • Sessions are conducted using teleconference applications, such as Zoom.
Organizational Coaching : engagement process3

My Qualifications:

Organizational Coaching : CEC Strategic Planning Execution Badge
Organizational Coaching : Certified Executive Coach Mendy Ouzillou Level2 Badge
Certified Executive Coach
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