Elevating the Quiet Strengths of Introspective & Introverted Leaders


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Steadfast Trusted Partner and Confidant: Principled, Transparent, and Thoughtful

My Professional Attributes

I Build Relationships That Work I’ve listed my professional attributes below so you may get to know me better. They also form the foundation for developing a relationship that will help you achieve the best possible and long lasting results. Steadfast Trusted Partner and Confidant I am your steadfast partner because I understand that your…

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Overview : Respect

Respect for Cultures & Identities / Experience Across Industries, Markets & Geographies

Respect for my client’s experiences, identity & beliefs Introduction Familiarity with the client’s professional environment accelerates establishing a relationship but is often unnecessary to achieve excellent results. I have enjoyed working across many industries, markets and geographies, and come from a diverse background spanning many cultures and identities, allowing me to quickly develop a rapport…

Respect for Cultures & Identities / Experience Across Industries, Markets & Geographies Read More

My Mission

My mission is to help introverts leverage their quiet strengths to become (more) highly effective leaders. Using a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, I will help you establish the ground truths…

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